Kindred Films

When The World Stopped.

The Antiviral Film Project is a multi-generational story about families around the globe, who strive for connection and catharsis, against the turmoil of the COVID-19 pandemic. 

International musical collaborations provide the backdrop to this cinematic journey of triumph.

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Our Mission:

To harness the energy generated by the global focus on this pandemic, create stories inspired by it, and provide an intercultural cathartic experience.


emergency (n.)

"unforeseen occurrence requiring immediate attention," 1630s, from Latin emergens, present participle of emergere "to rise out or up"


A cinematic journey around the world.

Eight Episodes:

Each comprised of three stories

Curated from:




Each team will create a scripted short film adapted from ideas pitched by citizens from all corners of the globe.

The pre-production of each film will take place while in quarantine; active production to begin once isolation ends.

This opportunity allows:

  • New writers with perspective and purpose to be discovered.

  • The introduction of emerging filmmakers to the world.

  • The pairing of established filmmakers and musicians with emerging artists to form mentorship coalitions.


Our First Film


Carl and the Janitor


6 Feet Separated.

6 Degrees Connected.

Closer Than Ever.

Though we are 6 ft apart, we only have 6 degrees of separation from the other 7.6 billion people with whom we share the planet.

For the first time in living history, the entire global community is united. Our interconnectedness is no longer in doubt. 

Our craving for togetherness is a call to action. Many people, from doctors to delivery drivers are keeping our world running. We can make our contribution as filmmakers by creating impactful films that provide some healing catharsis as we emerge from crisis. 

There is a new recognition of the importance of international unity. Let us join this paradigm shift.


Ready to take the next step?

This is a chance to share your vision and voice. Ways to contribute:

  • Pitch ideas or write scripts

  • Assist in production

  • Join the filmmaking team

  • Contact other creatives

  • Donate money to make this happen

  • Be a mentor to help guide emerging talent

We need you on our team!


“We sense that ‘normal’ isn’t coming back, that we are being born into a new normal: a new kind of society, a new relationship to the earth, a new experience of being human.”
― Charles Eisenstein

Become part of an international film community working to create meaning out of tragedy.


Sign up to see where we are with the process and where we need help.


Diversity and Inclusivity Mission:  

Born into the nature of this project is the objective to share as many points of view as possible.

We are expecting both the filmmakers and the subject matter to represent a diverse cross-section of our global community.