
Join our team of filmmakers by signing-up below! We need: writers, directors, DP’s, editors, producers, crew; as well as marketing and social media experts, fundraisers, event coordinators, arts council reps, and people with logistical experience with large-scale projects, whether it be film or any other type production.

Or join our mentorship program

If you are an established filmmaker and want to help guide emerging talent through these projects, please also check the box on the form.


It all begins with an idea. We accept pitches, one page treatments and completed screenplays of short films relevant to our mission.

Read the Submission Requirements



Every little bit helps. Donations towards the running costs of pre-production would be greatly appreciated. Please contact us directly through the Contacts page.

Talented men and women in the industry are looking for, and really need to find, an outlet not just for their creativity but for their uncertainty. This project gives them a powerful way to channel those impulses -- in a way that can edify and inspire the world.